30 Jähriges Jubiläum bei der Hilgefort GmbH
Das ist der der Mann, der hier bei uns die ganz dicken Apparate baut!
Wir gratulieren einem unseren besten Schlosser Klemens Grote zu seinem 30-jährigem Firmenjubiläum!
Das ist der der Mann, der hier bei uns die ganz dicken Apparate baut!
Wir gratulieren einem unseren besten Schlosser Klemens Grote zu seinem 30-jährigem Firmenjubiläum!
Hilgefort GmbH is supported by our sales office in Berga (South-Harz Germany).
The typical Industries for our vacuum-drying-technique-apparatus are chemical plants, pharmacy, food technology, agri-industry, bulk-handling, bulk-treatment plants, waste-treatment plants.
The calculations, process-engineering and detail-engineering of this above-mentioned apparatus and assemblies are carried out with our spec. Engineers and with our partner companies.
For further information’s please contact Mr. Andreas Teichmann
Tel.: 0049-34651/55888-0
Mobil: 0049-173/6480872 (Andreas Teichmann)
Mail: info@hilgefort.de
The new ZINSER 4125B recently completed its first big project with the integrated CNC drilling unit.
Big plates (8.2 x 2.4 m) of an unusual, difficult to machine 1.4462 Duplex material had to be drilled within a short period of time. Requested were holes with a top diameter of 20 mm and a bottom diameter of 15 mm. No problem for the new drilling unit and a further advantage for Hilgefort’s customers, as there are just very few manufacturers who can offer this service due to the extraordinary bore diameter in combination with the large plate size.
“Before investing, we gathered extensive information about the various drilling alternatives for cutting machines available on the market”, explains General Manager Ulrich Hilgefort. “But our engineers discovered very fast, that ZINSER’s drilling unit is far superior to its competitors‘. That’s why, again, we invested in a ZINSER system – the right choice, as this first successful task showed.”
With a special tool, produced only for this task, every hole was drilled twice, resulting in a total sum of 28400 drillings. Despite this complex manufacturing process, the task could be fulfilled within approx. 500 working hours.
Through this first task alone, the new ZINSER system could already prove itself. Today, the 4125B is fully functional and integrated into the production processes at Hilgefort. CEO Ulrich Hilgefort is already looking forward to many new, varied tasks for their contract manufacturing department. “The new ZINSER system increases our capacities significantly, allowing us to offer our customers additional production possibilities”, says Ulrich Hilgefort.
If you are interested to see a ZINSER drilling unit near your location in action, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time. We are looking forward to organizing a visit for you.
Seit Anfang des Jahres laufen bei Hilgefort Vorbereitungen für den Aufbau und die Installation einer neuen Plasma Schneid- und Brennanlage. Somit ist der Zinser 4125B HyPerformance die dritte Plasmaanlage in die Hilgefort investiert und die für den Bereich der Lohnfertigung voraussichtlich ab April 2018 in Betrieb geht. Die Fotos geben einen kleinen Einblick in den Aufbau und die Installation der Anlage.
Even for a high-performance company like Hilgefort, for whom almost every task entails a unique challenge, breaking a world record is something very special. And now Hilgefort GmbH has done just that, claiming a world record in plant construction.
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Floor by floor, the heat exchanger tower in Wössingen, Germany spirals up into the sky. Alongside the rapidly growing structure stands a rotating tower crane, which is attached to the structure and grows taller with every stage of construction.
Hilgefort already has an impressive international reputation for constructing rotary kilns. The company focussed on the particular challenges of such plants early on and has now manufactured and delivered countless rotary kilns around the world.
When Hilgefort transports large plant components to customers, it can be exhilarating for everyone involved. Often enough, the kind of specialised transport required even piques the curiosity of residents in the local area or photographers from the regional press, drawing them to the factory premises in Dinklage.
The transportation of a cyclone separator for a blast furnace plant in Duisburg was a sensational finale for a substantial major order at Hilgefort GmbH in Dinklage, Germany.